Phase 5

Phase 5 of the restoration of Newport Minster was completed in June 2017. The work restored the east end of the church including the kitchen and Horsey Chapel. The large east window and main lights of the Horsey Chapel window were removed and repaired in a specialist workshop.

Inside the west door, the pews beneath the organ gallery were removed and a new stone floor laid to create a light, open space to welcome people into the church. A new interpretation board installed there helps visitors have an overview of the History of the Minster.

You can download and read the evaluation report on the project by clicking the button below.

Download the Evaluation Report

We are very grateful for funding from the following organisations:

  • The Heritage Lottery Fund
  • The National Churches Trust
  • The Garfield Weston Foundation
  • The Allchurches Trust
  • The Hampshire and Islands Historic Churches Trust
  • The Masons

We are also very grateful to everyone who has supported this campaign and to the Friends of Newport Minster who assisted with the fundraising.

National Churches Trust
National Lottery Heritage Fund
Hampshire & the Islands Historical Churches Trust
Garfield Weston Foundation
Allchurches Trust

Pictures of Phase 5 of the Restoration

Phase 5

The Future

We are now working to complete the external restoration of the Minster and re-order the interior to create a church suitable for worship and community events.

We hope to:

  • ​remove the pews to provide a flexible space.
  • install new toilets, including a disabled toilet, for all users of the church.
  • provide a new small meeting room for groups using the church.

If you would like to give to our Renewal Campaign please click on the button below.